Product minded technical lead, engineering manager and craftsman.
I’m a creative, problem-solving builder and leader, passionate about building great products and experiences focusing on the intersection of people, technology, design and business.
I have over 18 years of experience in the tech industry, with many of those in engineering roles and both formal and informal leadership roles. I’ve helped companies at every size, from co-founding a startup and growing it to thousands of subscribers, working at a small startup with millions of monthly users, grow a scale up worth billions of dollars, and working at international companies with thousands of employees and tens of millions of users.
My work has spanned a wide range of business and consumer applications like mobile/social apps with millions of users to logistics and enterprise data collection and search engines.
I’m always curious about how things work and spend much of my free time learning and creating; everything from management and apps to building furniture.
2022-, Stockholm, Sweden
Leading and mentoring two teams with 12 people total. Driving several important technical projects and working with the product team on priorities and roadmap.
2021-2022, Stockholm, Sweden
Leading and mentoring the iOS team of 5 people. Driving several important technical projects and working with the product team on priorities and roadmap.
2019-2021, Stockholm, Sweden
Contractor at Spotify and Kry, and leading Digitalent’s Mobile Business Area - mentoring, teaching and recruiting.
2020-2021, Stockholm, Sweden
Working on the infrastructure team with the iOS app, improving an internal UI/UX framework and CI/CD processes for the patient facing mobile app and teams.
2019-2020, Stockholm, Sweden
Working on Car Mode, Spotify’s mobile experience when connected to a car, making the experience easier and safer. Reaching millions of users I was brought in to help complete the proof-of-concept and set a foundation for converting the entire Spotify app to a car-friendly experience.
2017-2019, San Francisco, CA
I worked on the iOS app for fulfillment and logistics, the supply side of the shopping market place, working on several high-impact projects like a big earnings redesign, drive-in pickup orders and on demand; giving shoppers ability to work when they want to and provide better information of where there is work using embedded maps. I rearchitectured several parts of the app to make it easier to test and develop. I was also heavily involved in recruiting; redesigning parts of the hiring process and conducting hundreds of technical interviews.
2013-2017, San Francisco, CA
Built two fitness applications for iOS from the ground up, including backend. Keelo, a virtual personal trainer with high-intensity workouts and an algorithmic programming feature. It was profitable within its first year and was featured on the App Store front page. Throwdown, a social network for people into fitness, required advanced video editing and rendering, and has an algorithm to match people with similar interests.
2011-2013, San Francisco, CA
Built Hello, a custom SMS/MMS with native camera functionality for early Android versions. Also built Muzy, a photo editing and sharing app which reached #8 in the Photo category on the App Store. Invented and executed over 50 A/B-tests and growth optimizations. Designed and built web, iOS and Android apps.
2011/01-2011/10, Stockholm
Managed a team of 4, running operations, project planning and resource allocation. Worked directly with the CEO to monetize the platform, bringing it to profitability for the first time ever. Took over a failing iOS project, putting it back on track and delivering a successful product. In 2011 was Sweden’s 7th most visited website and the largest blogging platform with over 1M accounts, 3M unique visitors and 44M page views per week.
2010-2011, Stockholm
Worked as a consultant delivering custom built systems and expertise with web development and agile methodologies. Among other projects, I stepped in to finish and launch
2007-2010, Stockholm
Designed and developed the technology stack for a company news-monitoring platform. Duties also included: project planning, running operations, and technical support.
2006-2007, Stockholm
Frontend and backend developer, building business information and intelligence systems using: Java, PHP, QlikView, and VisualBasic.
2005-2006, Stockholm
2003-2004, Stockholm
2005-2012, Stockholm
Developed several bespoke systems including an e-commerce site, a photo archive, and several corporate websites for companies like Bonnier AB and Atlas B2B.
In Sweden military service was mandatory and done by select young adults, mine was in the submarine navy as a radio operator which included leadership training.
2001-2003, Stockholm
High school program with a trade school focus on technology and design. The program ranged from basics like maths and physics to programming C++, Java and systems administration.